Leave the worrying to us. With tasks such as pruning, hedging, cutting, and weeding, we give definition to your space. Irrigation system maintenance and application of insecticides and fertilizers keeps your space inspiringly green.

Landscape Maintenance

Landscape maintenance activities include weeding and other vegetation removal; herbicide and insecticide application; fertilizer application; watering; and other gardening and lawn care practices. Vegetation control typically involves a combination of chemical (herbicide) applications and mechanical methods. The major objectives are to minimize the discharge of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers to the storm drain system; prevent the improper disposal of landscape waste by properly disposal of clippings and cuttings; and properly educate employees.

Grassy areas are planted with paspalum “saltine” vaginatum. In all areas, the maintenance procedure for established grass areas would be the same whether the lawn is seeded or stolon-planted. Although grass maintenance is essential in keeping the lawns in good condition, grassy areas have their own special needs; this features regular feeding, top dressing, aerating and weeding. A well balanced program of grass care is essential for a perfect grass surface.